DAY 3: Final performances by Fai Aldhukair, Gab Branco and E. Christodoulou
Welcome to the Final Performances of our Graduand Students! DAY 3: Performances by Fai Aldhukair, Gab Branco and E. Christodoulou
Time & Location
10 May 2023, 17:30 – 11 May 2023, 20:30
Arnhem, Onderlangs 9, 6812 CE Arnhem, Netherlands
About the Event
Pronounced Al-Ob-oor
by Fai Aldhukair
This is a site specific performance. Find the route here.
Through inviting the audience to join the route of a pilgrimage around the city of Arnhem, fay poses the question of “how does a precarious body preserve itself?”
Performed from sunrise to sunset, the audience is invited to make use of the map provided, walk towards any of the points and dwell, they also invited to join the performer during the pilgrimage, and leave whenever they feel
In the context of this research, the conditions that create a precarious body are investigated, as well as the ways they materially manifest themselves.
The action questions the value of time in the context of preforming a durational ritual, the pilgrimage, and, additionally, asks other bodies to negotiate time and space in precarious conditions.
Supervisor: daz disley
External Mentor: Emilio Rojas
Thank you to allah and my mama, alejandro jiménez, chiara wilbers, ioanna mitza, julie brinks, yinzk, thomas diafas, sarjon azouz
The(ir) fissures written on me by Gab Branco
18:30 | BEAR Auditorium
What are the words you do not yet have? What do you need to say? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence?
Audre Lorde
“The(ir) fissures written on me” expresses the traversings on co-autoethnography about shared experiences with Brazilians – a field research of 1month and half, back to my birth country. During that period, I offered encounters of 1:1 or small groups to share my artistic research. Each participant and I shared trauma-wounds, and we engaged on a sensitive listening. I witnessed so many breaks of silences. Silences caused by the TRIAD of Colonialism, Capitalism and White Supremacy. The fissures are wounds still not healed and, therefore, not acknowledged. The fissure art practice states that sensitivity and vulnerability are not to be feared but rather practiced and embodied. It aims to voice the tyrannies swallowed and to unblock the suppressed screaming; to encourage people to break their silences, and above all, connect people through what they recognise on other’s lives from their own life.
Concept, Dramaturgy, Voice & Performance: Gab Branco
Supervisor: Fenia Kotsopoulou
Mentors: Susanne Weins and VestAndPage
Provocation: Cora Laszlo and Júlia Iwanaga
Technical Assistance: Steef Kersbergen
Photo Credit: Gio Baraldi
My huge thanks to all participants that engaged with my methodology “Actions of Connecting”, we trusted and shared with each other our experiences, and that has a rare value to connect us in a meaningful way.
Trans-mission by E. Christodoulou
19:30 | Zaal 1, Theatrium
(AM radio static noise)
Voice-and-gender not separate.
Listening always bound to social worlds.
To tell the story of my voice then, I need a new language.
TRANS-MISSION is a bizarre broadcast where voice, from a personal object of self-identification, becomes the object of study and the method of inquiry. It follows the journey of a gendernaut performing a series of voice experiments using different technologies. By focusing on the vocal frequency, the rhythm, the drama, the microtensions and tonalities, the gendernaut recomposes his voice as a synthetic landscape of sounds and visualizations that walks a tightrope between two worlds; social reality and imagination.
(play song #2)
This mixed-media performance is the residue of critical reflections and playful explorations of the transgender experience in relation to the voice, where voice becomes the central site of imagination and resistance against gender norms that define bodies, voices and selves.
(radio path signal loss)
Concept, Production: E. Christodoulou
Performer: E. Christodoulou
Supervisor: Dr. Pavlos Kountouriotis
Mentor: Lucie Strecker
Technical Assistance: Bram Allard
Assistant/Light design: Ryan O’Shea
Movement Advice: Inês Fertuzinhos