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Welcome to the final performances of our graduating students! DAY 3 performance by Niki Christoforidou, Qiyun Zheng and Eleutheria Sokratous


Time & Location

15 May 2024, 17:30 – 19:30

ArtEZ, University of the Arts, Onderlangs 9, 6812 CE Arnhem, Netherlands

About the Event

The Mess We Live in by Niki Christoforidou | 17:30, ZAAL 3

An                                            WE

Inner  Child                       have 


and the Rest              PLAYLIST,         is UP to US



                                             and               Clear

                                               a                      Mess


Supervisor: Dr. Mariella Greil

External Mentor: Daniel Wetzel, author and director-team with Helgard Haug and Stefan Kaegi, running under the name Rimini Protokoll

Thank you to my family

Thank you to my cohort, Maria Vysoká collective.

Thank you to my friends, Tomas, fay, Pompadó, who really supported me in this journey.


Idea: Niki Christoforidou

Performers: Niki Christoforidou, Lisa Hofmann, Claudia Fernando, Felipe Navaro, Karolina Rupp.

Photo Credits: Steef Kersbergen


Let's start the contoring by Qiyun Zheng | 17:30, STUDIO 4

let’s start the contorting~




                                                                                                                        (find an uncomfortable pose]

                                                                                                                                                     stay there a bit

                                                                 three breaths




identify what’s bothering the body *at this moment*

                                                                                                and then disidentify

twist; and be-


more ent@nglement

until there is no beginning and no ending

moving on

                        now, sense the muted tongue + massage it a bit

for those who can

gently pull it


and slightly s-t-r-e—t-c-h it




have a sip of water and relax.

Performance: Qiyun Zheng

Supervisor: Despina Sevasti

External Mentor: Ricky Tucker

Poster credit: Karolina Rupp


Walking Lovink by Elefftheria Sokratous | Week-Long, May 13-16 | PART 1: ROZET, PART 2: CATWALK

When love is present the desire to dominate and exercise power cannot rule the day.” bell hooks

This performance is an invitation for a multi-layered conversation about “How can the act of walking become a means for imagining and mapping non-binary, more -than-human love narratives?”

The question unfolds within two different interconnected acts that happen parallel in two different spaces and can be experienced individually.

Part 1

The first part is a one-with-one walk with the artist out of which alternative love narratives will emerge and get archived (upon consent). Book your individual walking slot from the QR scan code below.

*Language of the walking score: English/Dutch

**Accessible to anyBODY of any age over 7years old (with guardian’s consent)

***You could bring an assistant/guardian if needed

Part 2

The second part is a participatory installation where the love narratives that were generated in the walks will be collectively displayed and will be used as a basis to overwrite and remix the so-called “power of love” songs.

Supervisor: Astarti Athanasiadou

External mentor: Jane Samuels

Technical Mentor: Sakari Laurila 


Concept: Eleftheria Sokratous

Performers: Eleftheria Sokratous, the city centre of Limassol, the city centre of Arnhem as well as all the other walking companions, conversing partners and love- (re)writers involved.

Photo Credits: Steef Kersbergen

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