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MA Degree
Core Modules or Specialisation Specific

Body in Performance



15 EC

Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis




The module provides a rigorous and in depth contextual and practical examination of different theoretical notions around the politics and ethics of including, (re)presenting, staging and facilitating diverse bodies on stage. By looking at concepts of the body in relation to dramaturgical operations and by practically embodying some of these performances, as a way of thinking practice, we will develop vocabularies of thought around the making and its sociopolitical implications. By examining how normativities and disciplines have been imposed on the Body, the module serves as the srping board for all future investigations at HOME OF PERFORMANCE PRACTICES and helps students build a thinking analytical practice. Lecturers:Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis, Verena Stenke (VestAndPage), Andrea Pagnes (VestAndPage), Dr Anja Foerschner, Anushka Nair

Designing the Body of Practice-as-Research



15 EC

Astarti Athanasiadou


04, 06


This module provides students with a range of approaches to artistic research as well as the skills necessary for undertaking it as part of their degree. The module aims to foster the production of artistic source materials, plans, conceptual and technical experimentation and research work which maps the research topic and the formal strategies to be employed along the way. Through the lectures and seminars students will examine and explore the varied and multiple methods involved in researching, proposing and developing a critical artistic production. This will include the politics and ethics of research, examining digital media production through textual analysis, the use of archival and electronic sources and the relationship of discursive theoretical positions to artistic production-based work. Lecturers:Astarti Athanasiadou, Steef Kersbergen, Claudia Brazzale




5 EC

Dr Anja Foerschner




This module provides a theoretical and practical process around the modes, meanings and functions of documentation and dissemination of practice-as-research. In a co-teaching format, various perspectives and approaches are exposed and discussed to help students develop their own standard and practice of documentation and dissemination. This module accompanies the module ‘Dissertation by Practice’, and will guide you to make a portfolio where you expose aspects of your practice-as-research (from ‘Dissertation by Practice’) in a tangible artefact format. From informal documentation as a research tool to more formal documentation as a tool of outreach (and many points between), this module seeks to encourage the practice of documenting as an integrated element of the student’s broader work and culminates with the delivery of a tangible portfolio contextualized by a final group show. Lecturers:Verena Stenke (VestAndPage), Andrea Pagnes (VestAndPage), Dr Anja Foerschner

Dissertation by Practice (Performance Art)



30 EC

Astarti Athanasiadou


08, 09, 10


This module sees students engage in self-initiated processes towards the design, development, and delivery a performance art research, culminating in the production towards their Exposition of Artistic Research (EAR) and the written dissemination of their research as thesis. Lecturers:Astarti Athanasiadou, Dr Anja Foerschner, external mentor (student choice)

Bodies in Dissent



15 EC

Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis




This module examines the socio-political and philosophical underpinnings of performance works that utilize transgression as a mode of challenging normative and subjugating perceptions around the body and subjectivity. These performative acts of transgression are contextualized as methodologies to expose and provoke the dominant ideologies that have cultured and shaped contemporary bodies excluding otherness and creating hierarchical societal rules of subjugation. The students have the opportunity to practically work towards the creation of a collective performance challenging the normative Body and promoting failure and transgression as liberating and highly politicized tools for performance creation. Lecturers:Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis, Verena Stenke (VestAndPage), Andrea Pagnes (VestAndPage), Dr Anja Foerschner, Anushka Nair, Steef Kersbergen

Feedback Frameworks



5 EC

Steef Kersbergen


01, 02


This module is designed to explain the components of effective feedback and to provide evidence-based tips on how to give good feedback. It proposes different formats and frameworks for feedback sharing and receiving, and guides students on how to evaluate performances critically and constructively. Students are also supported in their receipt and implementation of feedback in a seamless way that does not hinder their creativity. In this module students engage with different methods and practices of feedback sharing. They learn how to give and receive feedback in efficient ways to enhance their research and weigh developmental forms. Lecturers:Steef Kersbergen, Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis

Dissertation by Practice (De-disciplined)



30 EC

Astarti Athanasiadou


08, 09, 10


This module sees students engage in self-initiated processes towards the design, development, and delivery in their chosen area of research, culminating in the production towards their Exposition of Artistic Research (EAR) and the written dissemination of their research as thesis. Lecturers:Astarti Athanasiadou, Dr Anja Foerschner, external mentor (student choice)

Dissertation by Practice (Choreography)



30 EC

Astarti Athanasiadou


08, 09, 10


This module sees students engage in self-initiated processes towards the design, development, and delivery a choreography research, culminating in the production towards their Exposition of Artistic Research (EAR) and the written dissemination of their research as thesis. Lecturers:Astarti Athanasiadou, Dr Anja Foerschner, external mentor (student choice)

Dramaturgical Operations



10 EC

Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis


01, 02, 04, 05


This module offers students practical explorations of dramaturgical operations and invites them to think how to deliver the outcomes of their own practice-as-research. The module focuses on how an artwork works or does as a method of refining addressivity and employing pertinent modes of communication with their audience. Student will also learn how to distil dramaturgical operations from seminal artworks in their field, to check their applicability in their research and to how to use them effectively in their act of communication. By the end of this module, students will be supported to weave their own combination of the most appropriate dramaturgical operations to disseminate their research findings, whilst encouraging them to articulate and refine their research question and its relevance to their audience. The module emphasizes dramaturgy as an organizational technology, somewhere between art, communication, and management. Lecturers:Dr Pavlos Kountouriotis, Steef Kersbergen, Maria Pisiou

Post-Body Reflection



5 EC

Dr Mariella Greil




​​​​​​​This module stages the political, ethical, material, and embodied practices of being human by taking the human body as a point of departure to explore possibilities of ‘postness’. Perching on postness, the students will rehearse destabilizing, dismantling, extending, and reformulating the human through multiple imaginations and imaginaries, representations and simulations, discourses and praxes drawing from multiple genealogies and geo-politics of the ‘postbody’. This module is an epistemological exercise that performs a possible future with unstable, uncertain, and redundant bodies through the formulation of a new vocabulary, grammar, syntax – a language – to articulate our engagements and interactions. Students will develop their own language to create a living lexicon of their practice that imagines the world within which it wants to exist. Lecturers:Lucie Strecker

Dissertation by Practice (Theatre Practices)



30 EC

Astarti Athanasiadou


08, 09, 10


This module sees students engage in self-initiated processes towards the design, development, and delivery a theatre practices research, culminating in the production towards their Exposition of Artistic Research (EAR) and the written dissemination of their research as thesis. Lecturers:Astarti Athanasiadou, Dr Anja Foerschner, external mentor (student choice)

Choreography Lab 2



10 EC

Guest Artist




tba Lecturers:Guest Artist
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