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Stories from our graduates | Andrea van der Kuil : uncrafting worth, one knitting stitch at a time

Andrea van der Kuil is knitting on a bench outside in Arnhem. She did the Master Performance Practices at ArtEZ and with her final work, she wants to bring craft into the public space. “Craft is usually regarded as women’s work. And it’s regarded as less worthy than art, just as women are usually regarded as less worthy than men. So, I wanted to start playing with this idea of worth.”

How much worth do we give to this piece of knitting? What happens to that worth when we unravel it all?

Andrea wants to make people think how they assign worth to craft, the female body, and the process of crafting. For her official performance, she is going to move for twelve hours through the public space of Arnhem. “I’m going to unravel all of this knitting and I’m going to punch needle it into a dress that I’m wearing. And the reason I’m doing that is to question worth. How much worth do we give to this piece of knitting? What happens to that worth when we unravel it all? And then punch needle it again?” She hopes that people will start questioning why she’s knitting there, what that means to them, and hopefully start to renegotiate how they understand and assign worth.

"I really feel confident in myself as an artist now"

Andrea says that she chose this Master’s because she wanted to find her voice as an artist. And that she would have succeeded if she would find the process and a practice that she loves. And she indeed did succeed. “I really feel confident in myself as an artist now. I feel like I have found my artistic voice. And a practice that I’m totally in love with.”

Performance Practices: improving yourself and the workfield

The Master Performance Practices at ArtEZ offers five different and unique specializations: Choreography, Theatre Practices, Performance Art, De-disciplined Body, and Digital Performances. Select the electives of your preference and design the trajectory of your own research. You have a team that consists of experienced lecturers and inspiring guests from an international network in the performing arts. You work on your own development as well as your contribution to the further development of performance. This master course has been accredited by the NVAO and, as a result, has been included in the 2022 Master’s Guide.


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