Korina Papadimitriou Kordova Santos
Within a field of investigation at the crossroads between choreography, dance, Amazonian studies and philosophy, the research started from the urgency to consider and learn from ways ofknowing and being-becoming in the world which have been disavowed by colonial processes. It has also started from the recognition of crossroads between Indigenousand posthuman philosophies regarding interdependencies between humans and extrahumans. The research proposes an approximation to a possible Amazonian landscape as a decolonial practice, drawing from the works of Argentinian semiotician Walter D. Mignolo and Brazilian historian Luiz Antônio Simas.
During the fall 2020, we had the opportunity to become with the Amazonian landscape in the context of an artistic residency. Thinking with British anthropologist Tim Ingold, we perceive landscapes as meshworks of geo-political, affective, cultural and mythic dimensions. The latest research phase—addressed by this thesis—focused on the aforementioned contextual background through the materiality of lived experience. The aim has been to develop the meshwork of artistic practices which constitute the main methods of this post-qualitative research project. The Amazonizing Practices include movement, choreography, divination, speaking and writing practices, and can be shared in different performance formats. These practices as well as the artistic outcome of the research—CRATERA—are the main focus of this thesis, since they constitute both our research methods and aims.