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Responsible Autonomy: Felt-sense & the Entanglements of Fascism, Somatics and Eroticism

Can Bora


Responsible Autonomy: Felt-Sense & The Entanglements of Fascism, Somatics and Eroticism is a practice based research project. The research advocates for an expensive understanding of the felt-sense as the medium of re-interrogating systems that are considered as good or as bad. It therefore places the felt-sense within the discourse of responsible autonomy, which implies the practice of care as an ethical behavior and as an escape from the epistemic violence. Even though the bodies of fascism, somatics and eroticism have been studied by other theoreticians  and artists, these three bodies have never been analysed together in any research before. My work intends to bridge this gap in the discourse by bringing them in relation to one another because, I argue that all three bodies have a crucial role in the production of self both externally and immanently.
Drawing from theories of performance practices, philosophy and new materialism, the research investigates the modalities of power within the body of fascism, somatics and eroticism. By practice research, it aims to demonstrate the liquefied transitions between these bodies.
The methodology is inspired by the somatic Moveable Cinema method invented by the Canadian educator and choreographer Shannon Cooney and is based on Affect Theory. Using the performativity of the gaze and the sensorium, the research explores through the materiality of the body, the states of being and the intra-activity of the bodies, which circulate in systems such as fascism, somatics and eroticism.
Initiating a discussion on an expanded dance practice, where dance, performance art and theatricality interact in order to establish a minimalist piece with maximum sensoriality, the research proposes a transition from “me” to “us” which indicates a world processing within the principles of connectivity, receptibility and perceptibility.

Supervisor: Nishant Shah
External mentor: Shannon Cooney

Keywords: Performance, Performance Practices, Moving Cinema, Fascism, Somatics, Eroticism, Epistemic Violence, Care

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