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Translating the Contoring Body: Contoring Practices, Feminist Trasnlation, and Auto-Ethnography

Qiyun Zheng


This thesis explores the concept of the “contorting body” as
a physical practice in performance art and as a metaphor for
marginalized individuals’ complex, intersectional identities.
Focusing on my lived experiences as an Asian female queer
performance artist in Europe, the research integrates Chinese
Contortion, New-way Voguing, and Feminist Translation
Theory to develop a framework that challenges particular
Western stereotypes and highlights intersectionality in
performance art.
The concept of the contorting body is physically represented
through the highly disciplining Chinese Contortion and
the queer dance New-way Voguing, created by people of
color. Metaphorically, it reflects the intertwining of multiple
minority identities, offering an authentic representation of
marginalized communities.

External Mentor: Ricky Tucker

Keywords: contorting, feminist translation, auto-ethnography

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