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Research Projects

HOME OF PERFORMANCE PRACTICES has a thriving research culture. Alongside the independent research of individual students and faculty, we encourage collaborative, de-disciplined and socially engaged research initiatives.


Below you can find a depository of all the research conducted by our Master students.




Choreography Research Projects

Choreography based Research Projects


ANALU FRETTA BARROS (2020-2022) | BLA BLA: Between Languages and Body-Languages and Dance-Poetry


ANNE MARINA FIDLER (2020-2022) | Remedies for Connection: Polyvagal Practices and Participatory Performance


ANTI UIMONEN (2020-2022) | Movement Improvisation as a Practices to Imagine Sustainable Futures


BARBARA LEHTNA (2019-2021) | Negotiable Consent: A care-mechanism in participatory performance


CAN BORA (2020-2022) | Responsible Autonomy: Felt-sense & the Entanglements of Fascism, Somatics, and Eroticism


CLIO VAN AERDE (2022-2024) | Reimaginic Work: Poietic Practices of Invisible Labour


DIETER DEFURNE (2018-2020) | Lingering Dance: Kinesthetic Experience of Time in Movement


ELEFTHERIA SOKRATOUS (2022-2024) | Walking lovink: Reimagining and rewriting the notion of love beyond binaries


ELLA TIGHE (2019-2021) |  The Hospitality of Surrender: Re-situating Agency within Dance Practice


EMILY WELTHER (2019-2021) | Landscape of Liveness; Re/telling Plant Human Stories Through Live Performance


IRINA BALDINI (2019-2021) | Between a kick and a cuddle: A Fluid-Methodology based on Doubt and Confusion


FELI NAVARRO (2022-2024) | Lithic Choreographies: Affect, Agency, and Matter in Movement


FERNANDA GONZALES MORALES (2018-2020) |  Expanding Dance: A radically tender approach to bodily movement, authorship, and staging


KADRI SIREL (2020-2022) | De-desiring Dance Languaging for the Emergence of Dance Thinking


KATRINA DUKA (2020-2022) | Femme Queens and Gender Glitches: Performing the Technology of Becoming-monster


KORINA PAPADIMITRIOU KORDOVA SANTOS (2019-2021)| Amazoning Practices: processes of thinking/moving with a landscape


PENELOPE MOROUT (2018-2020) | H.I.I.T.: High-Intensity Identity Training: Strategies of self-awareness in a world fit for consumption


PISIOU MARIA (2018-2020) | Instant Composition Practices: The Principles of Instant Composition Practices and a Score-based Approach to Instant Composition Performances


QIYUN ZHENG (2022-2024) | Translating the Contorting Body: Contortion Practices, Feminist Translations, and Auto-Ethnography


RHYAN O'SHEA (2021-2023) | Ambivalence in Performance: Through Camp, with Joy


SOFIA KONDYLIA(2018-2020) |  Performing Geometries: Embodying Regular Euclidean Shapes by Means of the Dancing Body


TANIA GONZALEZ (2021-2023) | Still Dance: Movement in Times of Exhaustion


ZANDILE DARKO (2020-2022) | Becoming Turtle: Posthuman Strategies of Practice








Theatre Practices Research Projects

Performance Art based Research Projects

Performance Art based Research Projects

ANDREA VAN DER KUIL (2020-2022) | Uncrafting Worth: Using Crafty Labour to Renegotiate Worth


ANNE MARINA FIDER (2020-2022) | Slut: A Love Story 


ANTRIANA MOUTOULA (2019-2021) | Nonstop Languaging as Autotheory in Art and Academia


ANUSHKA NAIR (2019-2021) |  Becom(th)ings: Posthumanism, Subjectivity, Performance art ​


ELLA TIGHE (2019-2021) |  The Hospitality of Surrender: Re-situating Agency within Dance Practice


ERYFILI DRAKOPOULOU (2019-2021) |  Transgeneration Skin Archives: Family Photos and Identity in Change through the Practices of ArchivingFamily Photos as Transgenerational Skin Archives


GAB BRANCO (2021-2023) The Fissure Practice : a trans-(de)-disciplinary artistic research on breaking silences through “envoicement” and embodiment


GUSTAVO TOME (2020-2022) | The Artist is Tired: How Partying Fails the Affects from Burnout Society


KAROLINA RUPP (2022-2024) | Sealing Practice


ZANDILE DARKO (2020-2022)Becoming Turtle: Posthuman Strategies of Practice


MARIKEN OVERDIJK (2018-2020) |  The city as anthology: Reading my town by writing her a letter


MAYA NITZAN (2020-2023) | The Fictitious Self & The Real Other: A Manual for Benign Liars


STEEF KERSBERGEN (2021-2023) | Becoming my Nonbinary Body: The Transformative Power of Imaginative Self-Representation through Image Making


STELIOS TROULLAKIS (2020-2022) | Queer-ies in Ritual: A Study of Queer Subjectivities in Emergence


THOMAS DIAFAS (2021-2023) | Performing the Real: Self-Care Practice to Combat Anxiety and Depression in Aers Education and in the Arts Market



Performance Art Researh projecs
Digital Performances ResearchProjects

De-disciplined Body in Performance based Research Projects


ANALU FRETTA BARROS (2020-2022) | BLA BLA: Between Languages and Body-Languages and Dance-Poetry


ANDREA VAN DER KUIL (2020-2022) | Uncrafting Worth: Using Crafty Labour to Renegotiate Worth


ANTRIANA MOUTOULA (2019-2021) | Nonstop Languaging as Autotheory in Art and Academia


ANUSHKA NAIR (2019-2021) |  Becom(th)ings: Posthumanism, Subjectivity, and Performance Art


CLÀUDIA FERRANDO I PARÉS (2022-2024) | Atmospheres: a symphony of movement qualities


CLIO VAN AERDE (2022-2024) | Reimaginic Work: Poietic Practices of Invisible Labour


DANIEL VOORTHUIS (2018-2020): | Malfunctions: Ethics and Ontologies for Dressing-Up


ERMIS CHRISTODOULOU (2021-2023) | Trans-Mission: Visualizing and Imagineering Transgender Voice


FAI ALDHUKAIR (2021-2023) | It is Better not to Speak: Practices of Preserving Precarious Bodies   


FERNANDA GONZALES MORALES (2018-2020) |  Expanding Dance: A radically tender approach to bodily movement, authorship, and staging


JESSICA RENFRO (2019-2021) | We called it _______: Filling the Gaps in Participatory Art Design 


KATRINA DUKA (2020-2022) | Femme Queens and Gender Glitches: Performing the Technology of Becoming-monster


LISA HOFMANN | A Methodology of Intuition, or: Finding through Thinking and Doing Intuition


QIYUN ZHENG (2022-2024) | Translating the Contorting Body: Contortion Practices, Feminist Translations, and Auto-Ethnography


RICHARD L. KRAMAR (2018-2020) | The Resistant Object: The objected and the objecting doin'it for themselves


MARIKEN OVERDIJK (2018-2020) |  The city as anthology: Reading my town by writing her a letter


STEEF KERSBERGEN (2021-2023) | Becoming my Nonbinary Body: The Transformative Power of Imaginative Self-Representation through Image Making


STELIOS TROULLAKIS (2020-2022) | Queer-ies in Ritual: A Study of Queer Subjectivities in Emergence


VICKY MAIER (2021-2023) | The Joke's on____. Considerations on Ethics in Comedic Storytelling 




Dedisciplined Researche Projects
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